NEXUS [File created by TreeBASE: 7/26/07 20:56:33] [Matrix accession#: M425] BEGIN TAXA; TITLE M425; DIMENSIONS NTAX=10; TAXLABELS Pelodera_strongyloides Teratorhabditis_palmarum Pellioditis_typica Rhabditella_axei Rhabditis_blumi Rhabditis_myriophila Caenorhabditis_sp._CB5161 Caenorhabditis_elegans Caenorhabditis_remanei Caenorhabditis_briggsae ; END; BEGIN CHARACTERS; TITLE M425; DIMENSIONS NCHAR=36; FORMAT SYMBOLS = " 0 1 2 3 4 5 " MISSING = ? GAP = - ; CHARSTATELABELS 1 'Fan- anterior conformation' / _ open closed, 2 'Fan- anterior position' / _ near_base_of_spicules near_cloaca, 3 'Fan- extension' / _ broad narrow, 4 'Body shape- overall shape' / _ blunt elongate, 5 'Body shape- tail tip' / _ peloderan leptoderan, 6 'Phasmid- position' / _ posterior lateral, 7 'Rays- ray 8' / _ present absent, 8 'Rays- tip position for 1,:2,4,' / _ at_margin on_dorsal_or_ventral_surface, 9 'Rays- ray 6' / _ 'narrow, uniform, open' 'broad, tapered, closed', 10 'Rays- ray 3 position' / _ separate tendency_to_fuse_with_ray_4, 11 Overall_retraction / _ strong weak, 12 'Terminal cells- retraction' / _ present absent, 13 'Terminal c:ells- fusion' / _ do_not_fuse fuse, 14 'Ray cell associations- ray 1' / _ R1.p 'R1.p+R2.p' 'R2.p+R3.p' 'R3.p+R4.p', 15 'Ray cell associati:ons- ray 2' / _ R2.p 'R2.p+R3.p' R3.p 'R3.p+R4.p', 16 'Ray cell associations- ray 3' / _ R3.p 'R2.p+R3.p' 'R3.p+R4.p' R6.p, 17 'Ray cell associations- ray 4' / _ R4.p 'R4.p+R6.p' R6.p 'R6.p+R7.p', 18 'Ray cell associations- ray 5' / _ R5.p 'R4.p+R6.p' 'R5.p+R6.p', 19 'Ray cell associations- ray 6' / _ R6.p 'R6.p+R7.p', 20 'Ray cell associations- ray 7' / _ R7.p 'R7.p+R9.p' migrates_into_R7.p, 21 'Ray cell associations- ray 8' / _ R8.p R7.p '(No ray 8)', 22 'DV position of Rnst- ray 1' / _ 'seam-hyp 7 border' within_set, 23 'DV position of Rnst- ray 2' / _ 'seam-hyp 7 border' within_hyp_7, 24 'DV position of Rnst- ray 4' / _ 'seam-hyp 7 border' within_hyp_7, 25 'se-:set boundary position' / _ near_base_of_spicules near_cloaca, 26 'Rn.p position- R1.p' / _ within_seam ventral_of_seam, 27 'Rn.p position- R2.p' / _ within_seam ventral_of_seam, 28 'Rn.p position:- R6.p' / _ ventral_of_seam within_seam, 29 'Rn.p position- R9.p' / _ strictly_lateral extends_to_dorsal_midline, 30 'Rn.p cell fusions- R1.p' / _ remains_unfused 'fuses with R2.p+R3.p' fuses_with_set fuses_with_se, 31 'Rn.p cell fusions- R2.p' / _ remains_unfused 'fuses with R2.p+R3.p' fuses_with_set fuses_with_se, 32 'Rn.p cell fusions- R3.p' / _ remains_unfused 'fuses with R2.p+R3.p' fuses_with_set fuses_with_se, 33 'Rn.p :cell fusions- R4.p' / _ remains_unfused fuses_with_set fuses_with_se, 34 'Rn.p cell fusions- R5.p' / _ remains_unfused fuses_with_R7.p 'fuses with R6.p+R7.p' fuses_with_set fuses_with_hyp7_or_maybe_se, 35 'Rn.p cell fusions:- R6.p' / _ remains_unfused 'fuses with R5.p+R7.p' fuses_with_se fuses_with_hyp7, 36 'Rn.p cell fusions- R7.p' / _ remains_unfused fuses_with_R5.p 'fuses with R5.p+R6.p' fuses_with_hyp7 ; MATRIX Pelodera_strongyloides 111112111111133443211111111114443242 Teratorhabditis_palmarum 111112111111144441231111122212221323 Pellioditis_typica 111111111111112232121111111214443242 Rhabditella_axei 1122211111221122412111111111144435{34}4 Rhabditis_blumi 111121211112111112113111111111111144 Rhabditis_myriophila 111121111112111112112111111111111144 Caenorhabditis_sp._CB5161 221111122111222321211222211123332444 Caenorhabditis_elegans 221111122111222321211222211123332444 Caenorhabditis_remanei 221111122111222321211222211123332444 Caenorhabditis_briggsae 221111122211222321211222211123332444 ; END; BEGIN ASSUMPTIONS; USERTYPE TvPars STEPMATRIX = 4 0 1 2 3 . 1 0 1 1 . 1 0 0 1 . 1 1 0 1 . ; USERTYPE Tv2Ts STEPMATRIX = 4 0 1 2 3 . 2 1 2 2 . 2 1 1 2 . 2 2 1 2 . ; USERTYPE GapsOnly STEPMATRIX = 4 0 1 2 3 . 0 0 0 0 . 0 0 0 0 . 0 0 0 0 . ; OPTIONS DEFTYPE = unord PolyTcount = MINSTEPS ; CHARSET MaleTail = 1 - 36 ; CHARSET MaleMulti = 14 - 18 30 - 36 ; CHARSET MaleIndep = 1 6 9 - 36 ; CHARSET MaleNonind = 2 - 5 7 - 8 ; CHARSET Fusions = 31 - 34 ; TYPESET * MUnDUn = unord: 1 - 36 ; TYPESET MOrdDUn = unord: 1 - 13 19 - 29 , ord: 14 - 18 30 - 36 ; TYPESET MUnDTv2Ts = unord: 1 - 36 ; TYPESET MOrdDTv2Ts = unord: 1 - 13 19 - 29 , ord: 14 - 18 30 - 36 ; TYPESET MUnDTvPar = unord: 1 - 36 ; TYPESET MOrdDTvPar = unord: 1 - 13 19 - 29 , ord: 14 - 18 30 - 36 ; TYPESET MUnDgaps = unord: 1 - 36 ; TYPESET MOrdDgaps = unord: 1 - 13 19 - 29 , ord: 14 - 18 30 - 36 ; WTSET * AllEqual = 1: 1 - 36 ; WTSET Lps5Stms4 = 5: 1 - 36 ; WTSET Lps2Stms1 = 2: 1 - 36 ; EXSET NoAmbNonin = 2 - 5 7 - 8 ; EXSET NoMaleTail = 1 - 36 ; END;