#NEXUS [MacClade 4.07 registered to Gustavo Hormiga, M42015] BEGIN TAXA; DIMENSIONS NTAX=22; TAXLABELS Ornithosuchus_longidens Herrerasaurus_ischigualastensis Scleromochlus_taylori Preondactylus_buffarinii Eudimorphodon_ranzii Austriadactytlus_cristatus Peteinosaurus_zambelli Dimorphodon_macronyx Campylognathoides_liasicus 'Sericipterus wucaiwanensis, gen. et sp. nov.' Angustinaripterus_longicephalus Harpactognathus_gentryii Cacibupteryx_caribensis Rhamphorhynchus_muensteri Dorygnathus_banthensis Scaphognathus_crassirostris Sordes_pilosus Jeholopterus_ningchengensis Dendrorhynchoides_curvidentatus Batrachognathus_volans Anurognathus_ammoni Pterodactyloidea; END; BEGIN CHARACTERS; DIMENSIONS NCHAR=75; FORMAT SYMBOLS= " 0 1 2 3 4 5" MISSING=? GAP=- ; CHARSTATELABELS 1 'Skull anterior margin, shape (new character):' / blunt rostral_process, 2 'Rostral process cross-section (new character):' / triangular elliptical, 3 'Skull dorsal margin, curvature exclusive of cranial crests (Unwin, 2003a):' / straight convex, 4 'Skull ventral margin at jaw articulation, curvature (Unwin, 1995):' / straight concave, 5 'Rostrum, shape (Andres and Ji, 2008):' / 'laterally-compressed' 'dorsoventrally-depressed' 'anteroposteriorly-compressed', 6 'Rostrum anterior end, lateral width (after Kellner, 2003):' / tapered expanded, 7 'Premaxillary crest (Bennett, 1994):' / absent present, 8 'Premaxillary bar, width (Kellner, 2003):' / wide narrow, 9 'Premaxilla posterior margin, position (Unwin, 1995):' / anterior_to_frontals between_frontals, 10 'External naris dorsal and ventral margins, orientation (new character):' / acute_angle subparallel, 11 'External naris/nasoantorbital fenestra, position relative to premaxillary tooth row (Kellner, 2003):' / dorsal posterior, 12 'External naris and antorbital fenestra, configuration (Unwin, 1995):' / separate confluent, 13 'Antorbital fenestra ventral margin, position relative to external naris ventral margin (Unwin, 2003b):' / same_level ventral, 14 'Antorbital/nasoantorbital fenestra, length relative to height (Unwin, 2003b):' / less_than_twice_height at_least_twice_height, 15 'Antorbital/nasoantorbital fenestra dorsal and ventral margins, orientation (new character):' / acute_angle subparallel, 16 'Orbit, length relative to antorbital/nasoantorbital fenestra length (after Unwin, 1995):' / 'at_most_antorbital/nasoantorbtial_fenestra_length' 'more_than_antorbital/nasoantorbtial_fenestra_length', 17 'Maxilla-nasal contact, position (after Unwin, 2003a):' / on_main_body_of_nasal on_bar_between_external_naris_and_antorbital_fenestra, 18 'Jugal ascending process, orientation (new character):' / anterodorsal dorsal, 19 'Jugal posterior process, orientation (new character):' / posterior ventral, 20 'Quadrate, orientation relative to ventral margin of skull (Unwin, 1995):' / subvertical inclined, 21 'Mandible articulation condyles, orientation (after Bennett, 1994):' / parasagittal oblique, 22 'Mandible articulation, position (after Kellner, 2003):' / posterior_to_middle_of_orbit under_or_anterior_to_middle_of_orbit, 23 'Palatal elements, shape (Unwin, 2003b):' / broad_and_flat thin_bars_of_bone, 24 'Maxilla and internal naris, configuration (Kellner, 2003):' / maxilla_contacts_internal_naris maxilla_excluded_from_internal_naris, 25 'Mandibular symphysis fused (Unwin, 1995):' / absent present, 26 'Mandibular symphysis, length relative to mandible length (Unwin, 1995):' / 'less_than_30%_mandible_length_(sym/ma_<_0.30)' 'at_least_30%_mandible_length_(sym/ma_�_0.30)', 27 'Dentary, lateral length relative to mandible length (Unwin, 1995):' / 'at_most_three-fourths_mandible_length_(de/ma_�_0.75)' 'more_than_three-fourths_mandible_length_(de/ma_>_0.75)', 28 'Mandible anterior end, orientation (after Kellner, 2003):' / anterior anterodorsal anteroventral, 29 'Mandibular rami dorsal margin, shape (Unwin, 2003a):' / dorsal_eminence_present flat, 30 'Jaw margins, shape (new character):' / straight undulating, 31 'Teeth, variation in shape (Unwin, 2003b):' / isodont heterodont, 32 'Teeth, maximum curvature (after Andres and Ji, 2008):' / horizontal_displacement_of_curvature_less_than_tooth_diameter horizontal_displacement_of_curvature_at_least_tooth_diameter, 33 'Teeth, curvature orientation (new character):' / posterior lingual, 34 'Teeth, maximum crown height (after Andres and Ji, 2008):' / less_than_four_times_tooth_diameter at_least_four_times_tooth_diameter, 35 'Teeth, size variation (after Unwin, 2003b):' / even_transition_along_tooth_row sharp_disparity_in_size_between_mesial_and_distal_teeth, 36 'Teeth, vertical orientation (after Andres and Ji, 2008):' / all_teeth_upright procumbent_teeth_present, 37 'Teeth, lateral orientation (after Unwin, 2002):' / upright ventrolateral, 38 'Teeth, texture (new character):' / flat fluted_teeth_present teeth_with_sharp_mesial_and_distal_keels, 39 'Cheek teeth, shape (after Andres and Ji, 2008):' / 'labiolingually-compressed_and_recurved_apically' triangular_in_outline_with_cuspules slender sharp_and_conical, 40 'Cheek teeth, spacing relative to successive teeth diameters (Andres and Ji, 2008):' / less_than_successive_teeth_diameters at_least_successive_teeth_diameters, 41 'Maxillary teeth, position of largest teeth (Andres and Ji, 2008):' / middle_of_maxilla mesial, 42 'Rostral teeth, number (after Unwin, 2003a):' / more_than_22_teeth at_most_22_teeth, 43 'Rostral tooth row anterior margin, position (after Kellner, 2003):' / anterior_skull_margin does_not_reach_anterior_skull_margin, 44 'Mandibular tooth row anterior margin, position (Andres and Ji, 2008):' / reaches_anterior_mandible_margin does_not_reach_anterior_mandible_margin, 45 'Mid-cervical vertebrae, lateral pneumaticity (Kellner, 2003):' / absent present, 46 'Mid-cervical ribs, shape (after Unwin, 1995):' / elongate reduced, 47 'Combined dorsal and sacral vertebral series, length relative to ulna length (Unwin, 2003b):' / longer_than_ulna_length at_most_ulna_length, 48 'Caudal vertebrae, number (Kellner, 2003):' / more_than_15 at_most_15, 49 'Caudal zygapophyses, length (Unwin, 2003b):' / short extremely_elongate, 50 'Sternum, shape (after Unwin, 2003b):' / narrow rectangular semicircular triangular, 51 'Humerus, length relative to metacarpal IV length (Kellner, 2003):' / 'at_least_two-and-one-half_times_metacarpal_IV_length_(hu/McIV_�_2.50)' 'between_one-and-one-half_and_two-and-one-half_times_metacarpal_IV_length_(1.50_<_hu/McIV_<_2.50)' 'at_most_one-and-one-half_times_metacarpal_IV_length_(hu/McIV_�_1.50)', 52 'Humerus, length relative to femur length (after Kellner, 2003):' / 'less_than_one-and-one-half_femur_length_(hu/fe_<_1.50)' 'at_least_one-and-one-half_femur_length_(hu/fe_�_1.50)', 53 'Humerus proximal end, shape in dorsal view (Unwin, 2003b):' / symmetric_profile 'angular,_sub-symmetric_profile', 54 'Humerus deltopectoral crest, shape (after Kellner, 2003):' / proximal_expansion_of_humeral_shaft anteroposteriorly_tall_and_curved_proximally proximodistally_elongate_and_subrectangular anteroposteriorly_tall_and_oblong_with_a_middle_constriction anteroposteriorly_tall_with_rounded_anterior_margin proximodistally_elongate_with_a_round_proximal_expansion, 55 'Ulna, length relative to humerus length (Unwin, 2003b):' / 'less_than_one-and-one-half_times_humerus_length_(ul/hu_<_1.50)' 'at_least_one-and-one-half_times_humerus_length_(ul/hu_�_1.50)', 56 'Ulna, length relative to tibia length (Ulna, 1995):' / 'at_most_tibia_length_(ul/ti_�_1.00)' 'longer_than_tibia_length_(ul/ti_>_1.00)', 57 'Pteroid, length relative to ulna length (Bennett, 2007):' / 'at_most_one-sixth_ulna_length_(pt/ul_�_0.17)' 'more_than_one-sixth_ulna_length_(pt/ul_>_0.17)', 58 'Metacarpals I-III, relative lengths (Unwin, 1995):' / disparate subequal, 59 'Manual digit IV, length relative to total forelimb length (Unwin, 2003b):' / 'less_than_65%_total_forelimb_length_(dIV/forelimb_<_0.65)' 'at_least_65%_total_forelimb_length_(dIV/forelimb_�_0.65)', 60 'Manual unguals, size relative to pedal unguals (Unwin, 2003a):' / less_than_twice_pedal_ungual_sizes at_least_twice_pedal_ungual_sizes, 61 'First phalanx of manual digit IV, length relative to digit IV length (Unwin, 2003b):' / 'less_than_35%_total_digit_IV_length_(f1dIV/dIV_<_0.35)' 'at_least_35%_total_digit_IV_length__(f1dIV/dIV_�_0.35)', 62 'First phalanx of manual digit IV, length relative to tibia length (Andres and Ji, 2008):�' / 'less_than_one-and-one-third_tibia_length_(f1dIV/ti_<_1.33)' 'at_least_one-and-one-third_tibia_length_(f1dIV/ti_�_1.33)', 63 'Second phalanx of manual digit IV, length relative to first phalanx length (after Kellner, 2003):' / 'at_least_first_phalanx_of_digit_IV_length_(f2dIV/f1dIV_�_1.00)' 'less_than_first_phalanx_of_digit_IV_length_(f2dIV/f1dIV_<_1.00)', 64 'Second phalanx of manual digit IV, length relative to ulna length (Unwin, 2003b):' / 'less_than_ulna_length_(f2dIV/ul_<_1.00)' 'at_least_ulna_length_(f2dIV/ul_�_1.00)', 65 'Third phalanx of manual digit IV, length relative to first phalanx length (after Kellner, 2003):' / 'at_least_first_phalanx_length_(f3dIV/f1dIV_�_1.00)' 'less_than_first_phalanx_length_(f3dIV/f1dIV_<_1.00)', 66 'Third wing phalanx, length relative to second phalanx length (after Kellner, 2003):' / 'at_least_second_phalanx_length_(f3dIV/f2dIV_�_1.00)' 'less_than_second_phalanx_length_(f3dIV/f2dIV_<_1.00)', 67 'Anterior iliac process, length realtive to posterior iliac process length (Unwin, 2003b):�' / at_most_posterior_process_length longer_than_posterior_process_length, 68 'Ischiopubic plate, shape (Unwin, 2003b):' / unexpanded expanded, 69 'Prepubis, length relative to width (Unwin, 2003b):' / greater_than_width at_most_width, 70 'Femur, length relative to metacarpal IV length (after Kellner, 2003):' / 'at_least_twice_metacarpal_IV_length_(fe/mcIV_�_2.00)' 'less_than_the_metacarpal_IV_length_(fe/mcIV_<_2.00)', 71 'Fibula, length relative to tibia length (Unwin, 2003a):' / 'at_least_80%_tibia_length_(fi/ti_�_0.80)' 'less_than_80%_tibia_length_(fi/ti_<_0.80)', 72 'Metatarsal III, length relative to tibia length (after Kellner, 2003):' / 'more_than_one-third_tibia_length_(mtIII/ti_>_0.33)' 'at_most_one-third_tibia_length_(mtIII/ti_�_0.33)', 73 'Metatarsal IV, length relative to metatarsal III length (after Unwin, 1995):' / subequal_to_metatarsal_III_length shorter_than_metatarsal_III_length, 74 'Pedal digit V, number of phalanges (Kellner, 2003):' / four two at_most_one, 75 'Pedal digit V ultimate phalanx, shape (after Kellner, 2003):' / straight curved ; MATRIX [ 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 ] [ . . . . . . . ] Ornithosuchus_longidens 0-0000000?000?00000000000??00000000000000000000000000000-000?0????00-000000 Herrerasaurus_ischigualastensis 0-0000000000100000000000000000000000000000000?000?000000-00000----00-000020 Scleromochlus_taylori 0-??000?0??0?1?1??0??0000000?0000?000????00??0000?000000-10???????10-00002- Preondactylus_buffarinii 0-000000?010000?1000?0??00000010001000100000?00?0?100100100000000000?0000?? Eudimorphodon_ranzii 0-000000001000010001?00?00120010001101100001000?0110020?10?1???????001????? Austriadactytlus_cristatus 0-0?00100010000100?0?0??????001001100110000??0?00?????0????10?0100????????? Peteinosaurus_zambelli ????????????????????????0?1?001000??0010??????001?1001001001001000100000010 Dimorphodon_macronyx 0-1000000010000010?0?00?0010000000100001000000001?1001001001000000010011010 Campylognathoides_liasicus 0-0000001010000100010001001210000000000110010000111002011011010111111110111 'Sericipterus wucaiwanensis, gen. et sp. nov.' 1101011011101?0???1110????1?110111011221111?1???????03????????1?00?1??????? Angustinaripterus_longicephalus 11010110?11011000011?0??1011110111011221111???????????????????????????????? Harpactognathus_gentryii 10??1110?1101?0???????01?????10???0?1?21111???????????????????????????????? Cacibupteryx_caribensis ??010?00111011110001?001?????00?????0??111????????????????????????????????? Rhamphorhynchus_muensteri 100100001110111100?111011111100101010221111110001{12}1003111111011111111110111 Dorygnathus_banthensis 0-0100001110110100011001101110010101002111011000131003110101000001111110111 Scaphognathus_crassirostris 0-0100001010100100010001101010000100002111000000121003110101000001111110111 Sordes_pilosus 0-0100001010000101?10001101010000000003111001000120004111101000001111011111 Jeholopterus_ningchengensis 0-1?20011001-001-????01000?0?000000000311100?1110?0111010101111011111010010 Dendrorhynchoides_curvidentatus 0-1?2001?00???????????1????0?000000??031?????1110?01140101?1?111111??010010 Batrachognathus_volans 0-1?20011001-001-????0100010?000000000311100?10??2011411?1?1?????????010??? Anurognathus_ammoni 0-1?2001100????1?10?00100010?00000000031110001{01}100001401010111101111?010010 Pterodactyloidea 0-0100001011-100-1?1010111101000000000311000010102200500110{01}0{01}1{01}11111111120 ; END; BEGIN ASSUMPTIONS; OPTIONS DEFTYPE=unord PolyTcount=MAXSTEPS ; END; BEGIN TREES; TRANSLATE 1 Ornithosuchus_longidens, 2 Herrerasaurus_ischigualastensis, 3 Scleromochlus_taylori, 4 Preondactylus_buffarinii, 5 Eudimorphodon_ranzii, 6 Austriadactytlus_cristatus, 7 Peteinosaurus_zambelli, 8 Dimorphodon_macronyx, 9 Campylognathoides_liasicus, 10 'Sericipterus wucaiwanensis, gen. et sp. nov.', 11 Angustinaripterus_longicephalus, 12 Harpactognathus_gentryii, 13 Cacibupteryx_caribensis, 14 Rhamphorhynchus_muensteri, 15 Dorygnathus_banthensis, 16 Scaphognathus_crassirostris, 17 Sordes_pilosus, 18 Jeholopterus_ningchengensis, 19 Dendrorhynchoides_curvidentatus, 20 Batrachognathus_volans, 21 Anurognathus_ammoni, 22 Pterodactyloidea ; TREE Andres_et_al = [&R] ((1,2),3,(4,((5,6),(7,(8,(9,((((((11,10),12),(13,14)),15),16),(17,((((18,19),20),21),22))))))))); TREE * UNTITLED = [&R] (1,2,(3,(4,((5,6),(7,(8,(9,((((((10,11),12),(13,14)),15),16),(17,((((18,19),20),21),22)))))))))); END; BEGIN MacClade; Version 4.0 86; LastModified -991992103; FileSettings treewindow '1' '1' '21' '1'; Singles 010; Editor 00011001111111100100010010 '0' '24' Geneva '9' '216' '1' all; EditorPosition '44' '6' '681' '974'; TreeWindowPosition '40' '-1273' '699' '974'; ListWindow Characters closed Geneva '9' '50' '25' '129' '979' 000; ListWindow Taxa closed Geneva '9' '50' '10' '273' '403' 1000000; ListWindow Trees closed Geneva '9' '70' '45' '129' '379' ; ListWindow TypeSets closed Geneva '9' '50' '10' '276' '490' ; ListWindow WtSets closed Geneva '9' '50' '10' '276' '490' ; ListWindow ExSets closed Geneva '9' '50' '10' '276' '490' ; ListWindow CharSets closed Geneva '9' '50' '10' '276' '490' ; ListWindow TaxSets closed Geneva '9' '50' '10' '276' '490' ; ListWindow CharPartitions closed Geneva '9' '50' '10' '276' '490' ; ListWindow CharPartNames closed Geneva '9' '50' '10' '276' '490' ; ListWindow WtSets closed Geneva '9' '50' '10' '276' '490' ; ChartWindowPosition '52' '30' '686' '964'; StateNamesSymbols open Geneva '9' '9' '555' '19' '176' '775'; WindowOrder States Tree; OtherSymbols &/ 00 ?-; Correlation '0' '0' '1000' '0' '0' 10011010; Salmo 00000001; EditorFile '2'; ExportHTML _ MOSS '100' 110000; PrettyPrint 10; CharLegendPosition '642' '-693' '77' '334'; TreeLegendPosition '596' '-408' '124' '93'; EditorToolsPosition '553' '795' '115' '165'; TreeToolsPosition '578' '-1271' '126' '138'; TreeWindowProgram 00; TreeWindow 0000; Continuous '0' '3' 1; Calculations 1110111; SummaryMode '0' '0' 0; Charts Geneva '9' (normal) 0010; NexusOptions '0' '0' '50' 001011011; TipLabel '1'; TreeFont Geneva '9' (normal); TreeShape 1.0 1.0 0100; TraceLabels 0101; ChartColors '0' '0' '65535' '9' '0' 1; ChartBiggestSpot 1; ChartPercent 10; ChartBarWidth '10' 1; ChartVerticalAxis 10101; ChartMinMax '0'; TraceAllChangesDisplay '3' 1; BarsOnBranchesDisplay '0' '0' '60000' '10000' '10000' '10000' '10000' '60000' '65000' '65000' '65000' '6' '1' 0000101; ContinuousBranchLabels 0; AllStatesBranchLabels 1; IndexNotation '2' 1; PrintTree 10.00 '4' '2' '2' '2' '2' '2' '2' '2' '2' '2' '2' Geneva '9' (normal) Geneva '10' (normal) Geneva '9' (normal) Geneva '9' (normal) Geneva '9' (bold ) Geneva '9' (normal) Geneva '9' (normal) '83' '115' '13' '45' '116' '148' '13' '45' '149' '181' '13' '45' '182' '214' '13' '45' '70' '32' '0' '0' '974' '614' '492' '35' '534' '35' '534' '367' '24' '35' '1' '1' '1' '1' '0' '2' '-39' '4' '-40' '0' '3' '2' '4' '8' '32' '36' '0' '2' 0100110000000000010100000110000; MatchChar 00 .; EntryInterpretation 01; ColorOptions 00; TreeTools '0' '5' '4' '0' '10' '4' '1' 00100111111100110; EditorTools '0' '0' '0' '1000' '0' '0' '6' '3' '0' 100000101110001; PairAlign '2' '2' '3' '2' '1' '1' '2' '1' '3' 1010; BothTools '1'; END;