#NEXUS [!This data set was downloaded from TreeBASE, a relational database of phylogenetic knowledge. TreeBASE has been supported by the NSF, Harvard University, Yale University, SDSC and UC Davis. Please do not remove this acknowledgment from the Nexus file. Generated on May 17, 2024; 0:32 GMT TreeBASE (cc) 1994-2008 Study reference: Cracraft J. 1986. Origin and evolution of continental biotas: Speciation and historical congruence within the Australian avifauna. Evolution, 40: 977-996. TreeBASE Study URI: http://purl.org/phylo/treebase/phylows/study/TB2:S312] [ The following blocks are input data for analysis step 293 ] BEGIN TAXA; TITLE TaxaForAnalysisStep293; DIMENSIONS NTAX=6; TAXLABELS Malurus_amabilis Malurus_dulcis Malurus_elegans Malurus_lamberti Malurus_rogersi Malurus_splendens ; END; BEGIN CHARACTERS; [! TreeBASE Matrix URI: http://purl.org/phylo/treebase/phylows/matrix/TB2:M1124] TITLE Table_3; LINK TAXA = TaxaForAnalysisStep293; DIMENSIONS NCHAR=11; FORMAT DATATYPE=Standard SYMBOLS= "0 1 2 3" MISSING=? GAP= -; CHARSTATELABELS 1 throat_male / smalt_blue blue_black black, 2 belly_male / smalt_blue grayish_white white white_with_lavender_spot_on_fla, 3 scapulars_male / blue chestnut chestnut_with_purplish_blue_fea, 4 ear_tufts_male / sky_blue venetian_blue_with_turquoise_ca venetian_blue_without_turquoise, 5 upper_tail_coverts_male / cobalt_blue dark, 6 crown_male / cobalt_blue turquoise_blue true_blue_azure light_smalt_blue_deep_azure, 7 back_male / deep_blue_no_violaceous_tint flaxflower_blue_to_dull_violace campanula, 8 rump_male / cobalt_blue black, 9 upper_parts_female / brown dark_grayish_blue light_blue, 10 lores_female / light_rufous chestnut white, 11 tail_female / greyish_turquoise blue_gray dark_greyish_blue bright_blue, ; MATRIX Malurus_amabilis 22121011122 Malurus_dulcis 23221321223 Malurus_elegans 11111101010 Malurus_lamberti 21111201011 Malurus_rogersi 23221321213 Malurus_splendens 00000000000 ; END; [ The following blocks are output data for analysis step 293 ] BEGIN TREES; TITLE Tb5073; LINK TAXA = TaxaForAnalysisStep293; TREE Fig._3 = [&R] (((((Malurus_dulcis,Malurus_rogersi),Malurus_amabilis),Malurus_lamberti),Malurus_elegans),Malurus_splendens)Malurus; [! TreeBASE tree URI: http://purl.org/phylo/treebase/phylows/tree/TB2:Tr190] END;