#NEXUS [!This data set was downloaded from TreeBASE, a relational database of phylogenetic knowledge. TreeBASE has been supported by the NSF, Harvard University, Yale University, SDSC and UC Davis. Please do not remove this acknowledgment from the Nexus file. Generated on April 24, 2024; 14:43 GMT TreeBASE (cc) 1994-2008 Study reference: Collevatti R., Colli G., Giugliano L., Werneck F., & Werneck F. 2008. Phylogeny, biogeography and evolution of clutch size in South American lizards of the genus Kentropyx (Squamata: Teiidae). Molecular Ecology, null. TreeBASE Study URI: http://purl.org/phylo/treebase/phylows/study/TB2:S2213] [ The following blocks are input data for analysis step 4643 ] BEGIN TAXA; TITLE TaxaForAnalysisStep4643; DIMENSIONS NTAX=10; TAXLABELS Ameiva_ameiva Cnemidophorus_gramivagus Kentropyx_altamazonica Kentropyx_calcarata Kentropyx_paulensis Kentropyx_pelviceps Kentropyx_sp._jalapao Kentropyx_striata Kentropyx_vanzoi Kentropyx_viridistriga ; END; BEGIN CHARACTERS; [! TreeBASE Matrix URI: http://purl.org/phylo/treebase/phylows/matrix/TB2:M3882] TITLE Morph_Pars; LINK TAXA = TaxaForAnalysisStep4643; DIMENSIONS NCHAR=49; FORMAT DATATYPE=Standard SYMBOLS= "0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 A B C D E F G H J K L M N P Q T" MISSING=? GAP= -; CHARSTATELABELS 1 Condition_of_dorsal_scales / '1- granular dorsal and lateral scales, presenting a clear distinction between the dorsals and the keeled plate-like supracaudals' '2- granular dorsal and lateral scales gradually enlarging to the tail, where dorsal and supracaudals are almost indistinct' '3- rows of enlarged plate-like dorsal and granular lateral scales', 2 Precloacal_spur_in_males / absent present, 3 Gular_folds / one two, 4 Dorsal_scales_of_tail / smooth keeled, 5 Ventral_scales_of_tail / smooth keeled, 6 Keeled_ventral_scales / absent present, 7 Fourth_toe_lamellae / '27.35 (589)' '26.48 (498)' '25.80 (427)' '23.05 (141)' '23.40 (177)' '25.20 (365)' '24.45 (286)' '28.00 (656)' '21.70 (0)' '31.29 (999)' '29.50 (813)', 8 Fourth_finger_lamellae / '18.78 (999)' '17.13 (638)' '17.36 (688)' '15.15 (204)' '15.85 (357)' '16.60 (521)' '16.07 (405)' '18.00 (828)' '15.35 (248)' '17.30 (675)' '14.22 (0)', 9 'Scales around tail (15)' / '19.21 (175)' '17.20 (96)' '19.64 (192)' '15.46 (28)' '14.74 (0)' '17.47 (107)' '18.23 (137)' '16.50 (69)' '16.75 (79)' '24.31 (375)' '40.22 (999)', 10 Collar_scales / '16.67 (827)' '16.39 (769)' '16.99 (893)' '16.18 (725)' '14.39 (354)' '16.20 (730)' '13.94 (261)' '17.50 (999)' '15.85 (657)' '12.68 (0)' '16.30 (750)', 11 Dorsals / '163.64 (449)' '157.52 (415)' '144.13 (339)' '129.15 (254)' '143.59 (336)' '133.40 (278)' '84.24 (0)' '118.00 (191)' '118.30 (193)' '224.08 (791)' '260.76 (999)', 12 Infratibial_rows / '11.61 (999)' '10.95 (848)' '11.41 (953)' '9.23 (455)' '8.44 (274)' '9.53 (524)' '9.00 (402)' '11.50 (974)' '7.90 (151)' '7.47 (53)' '7.24 (0)', 13 Prefemoral_rows / '15.43 (830)' '16.25 (999)' '16.11 (970)' '12.94 (316)' '12.17 (157)' '14.93 (727)' '13.91 (516)' '14.25 (586)' '13.05 (339)' '13.21 (372)' '11.41 (0)', 14 Transverse_rows_of_ventrals / '33.27 (833)' '32.51 (643)' '31.22 (319)' '32.13 (547)' '31.57 (407)' '33.93 (999)' '31.66 (429)' '30.25 (75)' '32.65 (678)' '30.90 (238)' '29.95 (0)', 15 Infralabials / '10.14 (937)' '9.92 (851)' '10.30 (999)' '8.76 (400)' '8.62 (346)' '7.73 (0)' '10.05 (902)' '8.25 (202)' '8.00 (105)' '8.70 (377)' '8.40 (260)', 16 Scales_around_midbody / '107.70 (662)' '113.43 (726)' '112.28 (713)' '78.87 (343)' '83.80 (398)' '74.47 (295)' '47.87 (0)' '74.75 (298)' '70.85 (254)' '109.53 (683)' '138.10 (999)', 17 Femoral_pores / '33.23 (657)' '37.78 (788)' '40.52 (866)' '18.76 (240)' '10.40 (0)' '22.87 (359)' '13.14 (79)' '25.50 (434)' '21.15 (309)' '45.13 (999)' '37.34 (775)', 18 Posparietals / '2.47 (244)' '2.18 (30)' '2.25 (81)' '2.47 (244)' '2.27 (96)' '2.67 (392)' '2.14 (0)' '2.75 (451)' '2.50 (266)' '3.49 (999)' '2.56 (311)', 19 Preanals / '4.66 (993)' '4.67 (999)' ' 4.55 (925)' '4.03 (604)' '3.80 (463)' '4.20 (709)' '4.28 (759)' '4.50 (894)' '4.55 (925)' '4.47 (876)' '3.05 (0)', 20 Prefemorals / '12.78 (999)' '12.31 (929)' '11.96 (878)' '8.63 (385)' '7.58 (229)' '8.87 (420)' '7.33 (192)' '10.00 (588)' '8.80 (410)' '6.03 (0)' '6.90 (129)', 21 Supralabials / '12.26 (127)' '12.16 (78)' '12.23 (112)' '12.15 (73)' '12.02 (10)' '12.33 (161)' '12.03 (15)' '12.00 (0)' '12.05 (24)' '14.05 (999)' '13.43 (697)', 22 Supraoculars / '3.13 (114)' '3.01 (9)' '3.05 (44)' '3.06 (53)' '3.08 (70)' '3.27 (237)' '3.14 (123)' '3.25 (219)' '3.00 (0)' '4.00 (876)' '4.14 (999)', 23 Ventrals_in_one_transverse_row / '15.59 (948)' '14.35 (793)' '14.67 (833)' '13.92 (739)' '12.73 (591)' '14.53 (815)' '14.69 (835)' '16.00 (999)' '14.00 (749)' '8.00 (0)' '12.00 (500)', 24 Parietals / '3 parietals + interparietal, mean' '5 parietals + interparietal, mean', 25 Shape_of_frontonasal_scale / 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 A B C D E F G H J K L M '88-91' '92-95' '96-100', 26 First_pair_of_chinshields_in_contact / 0 1 '8-11' 3 4 '20-23' 6 '28-31' 8 9 '40-43' '44-47' C D E F G H J K L M N '92-95' '96-100', 27 First_pair_of_chinshields_in_contact_higher_than_half / '0-3' 1 '8-11' '12-15' 4 5 6 '28-31' 8 9 A '44-47' C D E F G H J K L M '88-91' P '96-100', 28 Granular_scales_between_the_chinshields_and_the_infralabials / '0-3' '4-7' 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 A B C D E F G H J K L M N '92-95', 29 Posterior_margin_of_the_interparietal_scale_flat / '0-3' '4-7' 2 ' 12-15', 30 Posterior_margin_of_the_interparietal_scale_angular / 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 A B C D E F G '68-71' J K '80-83' '84-87' '88-91' '92-95' '96-100', 31 Posterior_margin_of_the_interparietal_scale_rounded / '0-3' '4-7' '8-11' '12-15' '16-19' '20-23' '24-27', 32 Lateral_spots_present / '0-3' '4-7' 2 3 4 '20-23' '24-27' 7 '32-35' '36-39' '40-43' B C D E F G H J K '80-83' M N P '96-100', 33 Hindlimbs_spots_present / 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 '36-39' A B C D E F G '68-71' '72-75' '76-79' L M N P '96-100', 34 Vertebral_stripes / absent present, 35 Paravertebral__stripes / absent present, 36 Dorsolateral_stripes / '0-3' 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 '36-39' A B C D E F G H J K L M N P '96-100', 37 Upper_lateral_stripes / '0-3' 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 '40-43' B C D E F G H J K L M '88-91' P '96-100', 38 Lower_lateral_stripes / '0-3' 1 2 3 4 5 '24-27' 7 8 9 A B C D E F G H J K '80-83' M N P '96-100', 39 Upper_ventrolateral_stripes / '0-3' 1 '8-11' 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 A B C D E F G H J K L M N '92-95' '96-100', 40 Lower_ventrolateral_stripes / '0-3' '4-7' 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 A B C D E F G H J K L M N P '96-100', 41 Vertebral_field / absent present, 42 Vertebral_field_spotted / '0-3' 1 2 3 4 5 6 '28-31' 8 9 A B '48-51' D '56-59' F G H '72-75' K L M '52-55' P '96-100', 43 Vertebral_field_light / '0-3' 1 '8-11' 3 '16-19' 5 6 '28-31' 8 9 A B C D E '60-63' '64-67', 44 Vertebral_field_dark / '0-3' '4-7' '8-11' 3 '16-19' '20-23' '24-27' 7 8 9 A B '48-51' D E F G H J K L M N P '96-100', 45 Upper_lateral_field_spotted / '0-3' 1 2 3 4 5 6 '28-31' '32-35' 9 '40-43' B C D E F '64-67' H J K '80-83' M '88-91', 46 Upper_lateral_field_dark / '0-3' 1 2 3 '16-19' 5 '24-27' '28-31' 8 9 A B C D '56-59' F '64-67' H J K '80-83' M N '96-100', 47 Lower_lateral_field_light / ' 0-3' '4-7' '8-11' 3 4 '20-23' 6 7 '32-35' 9 A B C D '56-59' F G H '72-75' '76-79', 48 Lower_lateral_field_spotted / '0-3' '4-7' 2 '12-15' '16-19' 5 6 '28-31' 8 9 A '44-47' C D E F '64-67' H J K L '84-87', 49 Lower_lateral_field_dark / '0-3' 1 '8-11' '12-15' '16-19' 5 6 7 8 9 '40-43' B C D '56-59' F '64-67' H J K '80-83' M N P '96-100', ; MATRIX [ 10 20 30 40 ] [ . . . . ] Ameiva_ameiva 001100999999999999999991QQQQ0N2QQ009A0000000A0000 Cnemidophorus_gramivagus 010110888888888888888881MQQ03H3LQ01QQ00000000L14G Kentropyx_altamazonica 010111000000000000000000QPB00M35K10QQ00017G17HK50 Kentropyx_calcarata 010111111111111111111110QQ300J5AH100Q6001C758C541 Kentropyx_paulensis 110111333333333333333330QA010L35J10QQQQ11E46G72H5 Kentropyx_pelviceps 010111222222222222222220QB200M48H100N0001C0C00E70 Kentropyx_sp._jalapao 110111777777777777777770N2001P00Q10QQQQQ100Q0Q00Q Kentropyx_striata 210111666666666666666660PQNP0Q0FJ00QQL1017F2E98D0 Kentropyx_vanzoi 110111444444444444444440QP700P19Q10QQQQ11J24L40M3 Kentropyx_viridistriga 110111555555555555555550Q7000P119100QQN01N02N22K2 ; END; BEGIN ASSUMPTIONS; WTSET * UNTITLED = 53: 47 , 333: 25 29 , 143: 30 , 71: 37 , 1: 7-23 , 62: 43 , 999: 1-6 24 34-35 41 , 48: 48 , 45: 26 42 45 , 200: 31 , 42: 27-28 32 36 38-40 44 46 49 , 67: 33 ; END; [ The following blocks are output data for analysis step 4643 ] BEGIN TREES; TITLE Tb9415; LINK TAXA = TaxaForAnalysisStep4643; TREE Fig._2A = [&R] (Cnemidophorus_gramivagus,(Ameiva_ameiva,((Kentropyx_altamazonica,(Kentropyx_calcarata,Kentropyx_pelviceps)),(Kentropyx_striata,(Kentropyx_vanzoi,(Kentropyx_paulensis,(Kentropyx_viridistriga,Kentropyx_sp._jalapao))))))); [! TreeBASE tree URI: http://purl.org/phylo/treebase/phylows/tree/TB2:Tr5427] END;