author = {Pedro W. Crous and Johannes (Ewald) Zacharias Groenewald and Caleb Francis Hill},
title = {Cylindrocladium pseudonaviculatum sp. nov. from New Zealand, and new Cylindrocladium records from Vietnam.},
year = {2002},
keywords = {},
doi = {},
url = {},
pmid = {},
journal = {Sydowia},
volume = {54},
number = {},
pages = {23--33},
abstract = {Cylindrocladium pseudonaviculatum is newly described from leaf spots of Buxus sempervirens collected in New Zealand. This species resembles Cy. naviculatum, but is distinct in having longer and wider conidia. Sequence data derived from the beta-tubulin gene also support Cy. pseudonaviculatum as being distinct from the taxa presently acknowledged in Cylindrocladium. No Calonectria teleomorph was observed in culture, and mating studies proved unsuccessful. Cy. insulare and Cy. pauciramosum are also recorded for the first time from Vietnam, where they are associated with leaf spot symptoms on Eucalyptus spp.}
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Citation title:
"Cylindrocladium pseudonaviculatum sp. nov. from New Zealand, and new Cylindrocladium records from Vietnam.".

This study was previously identified under the legacy study ID S778
(Status: Published).