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Taxa for tree 2464 of Study 1551

About Citation title: "Phylogeny of the Elaeodendron Group (Celastraceae) Inferred from Morphological Characters and Nuclear and Plastid Genes".
About This study was previously identified under the legacy study ID S1496 (Status: Published).


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ID Taxon Label NCBI taxid uBIO namebankID
31474 Allocassine laurifolia 353122 8498133
172609 Brexia madagascariensis 39394 3473925
31446 Canotia holacantha 147189 2651732
31455 Cassine peragua 123401 5961453
31448 Cassine schinoides 123402 5961454
31452 Catha edulis 123405 2670099
31463 Elaeodendron australe 353123 1828532
31443 Elaeodendron australeSBG 353123 1828532
31462 Elaeodendron cunninghamii 353125 9427279
31466 Elaeodendron curtipendulum 353126 5893472
31445 Elaeodendron matabelicum 353127 8497769
31444 Elaeodendron melanocarpum 353128 10289952
31469 Elaeodendron orientale 123415 3463591
31450 Elaeodendron pininsulare 353129 10289954
31454 Elaeodendron vitiense 353130 3463589
31464 Elaeodendron xylocarpum 123416 2651734
31470 Empleuridium juniperinum 324789 10272943
31459 Gymnosporia mossambicensis 147190 5963700
31458 Lauridia reticulata 353132 8497901
31457 Lauridia tetragona 353133 9336117
31451 Lepuropetalon spathulatum 23255 2649693
31461 Loeseneriella africana 39614 5953592
31460 Lydenburgia abbottii 353135 10289956
31456 Lydenburgia cassinoides 353136 8497379
31467 Maurocenia frangula 123429 5961460
31472 Mortonia greggii 123436 2668207
31447 Mystroxylon aethiopicum 353138 5845498
31449 Pleurostylia capensis 353140 8498298
31473 Pleurostylia leucocarpa 123449 5961465
31453 Pleurostylia opposita 123450 5961466
31475 Pseudosalacia streyi 353142 7140308
31468 Putterlickia verrucosa 123460 5961471
31465 Robsonodendron eucleiforme 353143 4910583
31471 Salacia impressifolia 123469 3463838
31442 Salaciopsis glomerata 123472 5961476