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Connotea Connotea

Taxa for tree 94194 of Study 18227

About Citation title: "A settled sub-family for the Orphan tree: The phylogenetic position of the endemic Colombian genus Orphanodendron in the Leguminosae".
About Study name: "A settled sub-family for the Orphan tree: The phylogenetic position of the endemic Colombian genus Orphanodendron in the Leguminosae".
About This study is part of submission 18227 (Status: Published).


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ID Taxon Label NCBI taxid uBIO namebankID
2209870 Ammodendron bifolium 247904 2840670
2209871 Amphiodon effusa
2209833 Anarthrophyllum cumingii 291859 2836828
2209830 Anarthrophyllum desideratum 247921 2836829
2209851 Baptisia australis 149633 3874562
2209900 Bolusanthus speciosus 53838 2861907
2209891 Bowdichia nitida 2864484
2209875 Bowdichia virgilioides 149685 2864485
2209885 Brongniartia alamosana 100140 2864487
2209849 Brongniartia peninsularis 2864509
2209859 Cadia purpurea 53844 2861937
2209887 Calpurnia aurea 53848 2861947
2209843 Camoensia brevicalyx 2862023
2209839 Camoensia scandens 2862032
2209865 Clathrotropis macrocarpa 2865422
2209828 Clathrotropis nitida 2865423
2209881 Crotalaria incana 46447 2650878
2209855 Cyclolobium brasiliense 140906 2837027
2209890 Cytisus scoparius 3835 2666591
2209898 Dicraeopetalum capuronianum 3768085
2209899 Dicraeopetalum stipulare 149649 2862057
2209880 Diplotropis brasiliensis 247910 2840007
2209873 Diplotropis ferruginea 2863915
2209834 Diplotropis incexis 2838825
2209904 Diplotropis martiusii 247911 2863916
2209841 Diplotropis purpurea 597292 2863919
2209869 Diplotropis triloba 2863923
2209874 Genista monspessulana 49848 2667227
2209836 Guianodendron praeclarum 8592131
2209894 Harpalyce arborescens 100148 2836667
2209858 Harpalyce brasiliana 142522 2836668
2209850 Harpalyce formosa 2836670
2209892 Hovea purpurea 247885 2842162
2209905 Lamprolobium fruticosum
2209827 Leptolobium bijugum 2851435
2209861 Leptolobium brachystachyum
2209879 Leptolobium dasycarpum 53821 2851438
2209842 Leptolobium elegans 2851440
2209846 Leptolobium nitens 2860304
2209893 Leptolobium panamense
2209860 Leptolobium parvifolium
2209848 Leptolobium tenuifolium 9529408
2209837 Lupinus argenteus 53216 2667953
2209895 Maackia amurensis 37501 3876866
2209897 Ormosia amazonica 149688 2865994
2209883 Ormosia arborea 2865997
2209876 Ormosia bahiensis 2865998
2209884 Ormosia colombiana 247912 2866002
2209872 Ormosia costulata 2866003
2209840 Ormosia coutinhoi 2866004
2209829 Ormosia excelsa 2837084
2209878 Ormosia fastigiata 2840106
2209863 Ormosia formosana 100158 5959458
2209896 Ormosia holerythra 2866013
2209867 Ormosia limae
2209831 Ormosia minor 2866022
2209854 Ormosia nitida 2840001
2209838 Ormosia paraensis 2866027
2209888 Ormosia smithii 2866029
2209877 Ormosia sp
2209889 Ormosia stipularis 2866032
2209856 Ormosia timboensis
2209886 Orphanodendron bernalii
2209902 Orphanodendron grandiflorum
2209835 Panurea longifolia 2837086
2209882 Piptanthus nepalensis 70606 2841013
2209832 Poecilanthe falcata 54892 2835907
2209845 Poecilanthe parviflora 104316 2837155
2209844 Poecilanthe subcordata 2837156
2209868 Sophora davidii 49839 2862126
2209901 Spartium junceum 49843 2651005
2209862 Spirotropis longifolia 2840326
2209847 Staminodianthus duckei
2209864 Staminodianthus racemosa
2209866 Tabaroa caatingicola
2209857 Templetonia hookeri 142534 2842272
2209852 Templetonia retusa 140951 2840479
2209853 Thermopsis rhombifolia 61122 3874753
2209903 Ulex europaeus 3902 2651023