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Taxa for tree 93446 of Study 18779

About Citation title: "Dietary adaptations in the teeth of murine rodents (Muridae): a test of biomechanical predictions".
About Study name: "Dietary adaptations in the teeth of murine rodents (Muridae): a test of biomechanical predictions".
About This study is part of submission 18779 (Status: Published).


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ID Taxon Label NCBI taxid uBIO namebankID
2154459 Aethomys chrysophilus 121561 2480829
2154510 Aethomys namaquensis 472707 2480833
2154491 Anisomys imitator 332661 2480839
2154497 Apodemus agrarius 39030 2480843
2154469 Apodemus alpicola 100381 2480844
2154484 Apodemus flavicollis 54292 2480850
2154452 Apodemus speciosus 105296 2480859
2154507 Apodemus sylvaticus 10129 2480860
2154445 Apomys microdon 238006 2480869
2154508 Apomys musculus 238007 2480870
2154463 Archboldomys luzonensis 237995 2480873
2154505 Arvicanthis 61153 2480874
2154479 Bandicota bengalensis 69079 2480881
2154456 Batomys granti 234628 2480886
2154448 Batomys salomonseni 349693 2480887
2154474 Chrotomys gonzalesi 237998 2480923
2154451 Colomys goslingi 119564 2480930
2154506 Conilurus penicillatus 10127 2480933
2154499 Gerbilliscus robustus 410303 10327101
2154483 Grammomys dolichurus 491754 2480978
2154503 Hydromys chrysogaster 160448 2481003
2154454 Hylomyscus stella 41265 2481014
2154449 Hyomys goliath 337221 2481016
2154457 Lemniscomys rosalia 121566 2481035
2154466 Lemniscomys striatus 121567 2481037
2154489 Leporillus conditor 253152 2481049
2154467 Leptomys elegans 442572 2481051
2154481 Lorentzimys nouhuysi 442576 2481067
2154482 Malacomys longipes 112226 2481074
2154490 Mallomys rothschildi 442581 2481078
2154471 Mastomys erythroleucus 41268 2481090
2154464 Mastomys natalensis 10112 2481092
2154504 Melasmothrix naso 491876 2481117
2154453 Micromys minutus 13151 2481147
2154495 Millardia meltada 121583 2481151
2154468 Mus indutus 273921 2481167
2154455 Mus minutoides 10105 2481172
2154450 Mus musculus 10090 2481174
2154501 Notomys alexis 184396 2481222
2154462 Oenomys hypoxanthus 332668 2481232
2154476 Otomys angoniensis 109681 2480492
2154485 Otomys irroratus 121570 2480494
2154480 Parahydromys asper 442592 2481240
2154492 Parotomys brantsii 121578 2480502
2154502 Parotomys littledalei 121579 2480503
2154488 Paruromys dominator 472713 2481245
2154473 Pelomys campanae 121575 2481250
2154461 Phloeomys cumingi 248813 2481256
2154460 Pogonomys loriae 491866 2481267
2154472 Praomys jacksoni 209866 2481273
2154494 Pseudomys hermannsburgensis 221913 2481296
2154487 Rattus everetti 70831 2481318
2154493 Rattus fuscipes 10119 2481322
2154478 Rattus leucopus 10115 2481330
2154496 Rattus norvegicus 10116 2481343
2154475 Rattus rattus 10117 2481350
2154477 Rhabdomys pumilio 121573 2481366
2154447 Rhynchomys isarogensis 238000 2481368
2154446 Stochomys longicaudatus 34856 2481390
2154498 Sundamys muelleri 83761 2481394
2154465 Thallomys nigricauda 371826 2481410
2154458 Thallomys paedulcus 332673 2481411
2154500 Tokudaia osimensis 73109 2481417
2154470 Uranomys ruddi 41272 2481422
2154509 Uromys caudimaculatus 36800 2481425
2154486 Zyzomys argurus 337230 2481443