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Taxa for matrix 3948 of Study 2236

About Citation title: "Phylogeny of glass sponges (Porifera, Hexactinellida): monophyly of Lyssacinosida and position of additional taxa.".
About This study was previously identified under the legacy study ID S2246 (Status: Published).


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ID Taxon Label NCBI taxid uBIO namebankID
46702 Acanthascus dawsoni 472225 9896189
82347 Acoelocalyx brucei 472218 9893845
24837 Antipathes galapagensis 86006 3319081
105114 Aphrocallistes beatrix 398365 7195398
82376 Aphrocallistes vastus 83887 2678265
82353 Aplysina fistularis 202113 490523
24818 Atolla vanhoeffeni 86043 2567356
82365 Aulosaccus mitsukurii 9893966
105123 Bathydorus nsp
82367 Bathydorus spinosus 472226 9893996
105113 Bolosoma nsp
82355 Caulophacella tenuis 472236 9894002
82351 Caulophacus arcticus 472235 7195431
82371 Caulophacus valdiviae 472233 490427
82342 Caulophacus weddelli 472234 5488430
82370 Clathrochone clathroclada
82379 Crateromorpha meyeri 472232 9894255
105117 Docosaccus nsp
82362 Dysidea 190526 490542
82350 Euplectella sp1
82357 Euplectella sp2
105121 Euretidae ngen
105116 Farrea sp
32945 Grantiopsis sp
105112 Hertwigia sp
82373 Heterochone calyx 367901 9893099
82346 Heterochone sp
82354 Hexactinella carolinensis
82348 Hyalonema sp1
105122 Hyalonema sp3
105111 Hyalonema sp4
57199 Hydra 6083 257663
82364 Iphiteon panicea 436082 9893495
32921 Leucascus sp 8283 6082763
105118 Leucopsacus sp
105120 Lophocalyx nsp
82372 Malacosaccus coatsi 472219 9893895
25392 Monosiga brevicollis 81824 3398671
24823 Montastraea franksi 48499 2566378
32918 Mycale fibrexilis 86016 491084
82344 Oopsacas minuta 111878 5452480
82380 Oscarella tuberculata 252962 5451695
105124 Pheronema sp
82345 Plakortis simplex 252963 2678751
32928 Plectroninia neocaledoniense 365388 6941538
82377 Rhabdopectella tintinnus 472217 7195444
82358 Rossella nodastrella 472229 7195463
82363 Rossella nuda 472228 9893571
82374 Rossella racovitzae 472227 6181315
105115 Rossella sp
105110 Rossellinae ngen
105119 Saccocalyx sp
82366 Semperella schulzei 472211 490261
82378 Sericolophus hawaiicus
32935 Soleneiscus stolonifer 365352 9886117
46722 Spongilla lacustris 6055 2678297
32936 Suberites ficus 86007 2330035
82359 Tretodictyum tubulosum 472214 490338
82349 Trichoplax sp
82369 Walteria leuckarti 472222 9893839