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Taxa for tree 95814 of Study

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ID Taxon Label NCBI taxid uBIO namebankID
2276223 Acropora digitifera 70779 2566007
2276217 Acropora millepora 45264 2566312
2276219 Anthopleura elegantissima 6110 3866515
2276216 Corynactis australis 51772 2331021
2276218 Fungia scutaria 46714 2566512
2276224 Gorgonia ventalina 204384 2565420
2276227 Madracis auretenra 11311954
2276221 Montastraea cavernosa 63558 2566376
2276225 Nematostella vectensis 45351 3866609
2276226 Platygyra carnosus 256951
2276220 Pocillopora damicornis 46731 2565690
2276229 Porites australiensis 51061 2565731
2276222 Pseudodiploria strigosa
2276228 Rhodactis indosinensis 541185 2569076
2276215 Ricordea yuma 51832 2569079