CiteULike CiteULike
Delicious Delicious
Connotea Connotea

Taxa for tree 2637 of Study

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ID Taxon Label NCBI taxid uBIO namebankID
22749 Actiniceps laevis 359130 3204163
22758 Bioluminescent mycenoid
22756 Calyptella capula 181966 3037077
22751 Chaetotyphula hyalina 359129 3176843
22752 Chaetotyphula sp. BDCR0419 2C 359047 238631
22754 Hemimycena delicatella 181995 3209729
22750 Hemimycena ignobilis 181996 3025753
22748 Mycena adonis 182002 3918285
22753 Mycena aurantiidisca 154518 3136758
22757 Pistillaria sp. DJM1031 238409
22755 Pleurotopsis longinqua 64000 3030705