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Taxa for tree 74363 of Study 15642

About Citation title: "The impact of RNA structure on coding sequence evolution in both bacteria and eukaryotes".
About Study name: "The impact of RNA structure on coding sequence evolution in both bacteria and eukaryotes".
About This study is part of submission 15642 (Status: Published).


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ID Taxon Label NCBI taxid uBIO namebankID
1467529 Escherichia coli 562 2555646
1467532 Klebsiella pneumoniae 573 229810
1467533 Photorhabdus luminescens 29488 2557767
1467531 Salmonella enterica 28901 3520348
1467537 Salmonella typhimurium 90371 2558477
1467535 Shigella boydii 621 2558553
1467534 Shigella dysenteriae 622 2558554
1467536 Shigella flexneri 623 2558555
1467538 Shigella sonnei 624 2558556
1467530 Sodalis glossinidius 63612 2558584