author = {Antonio Fernandes Nogueira J?nior and Ivan Herman Fischer and Carlos Augusto Dorea Bragan?a and Nelson Sidnei Massola J?nior and Lilian Amorim},
title = {Identification of Botryosphaeriaceae species and characterisation of the monocycle of stylar-end rot of guava},
year = {2014},
keywords = {Postharvest diseases, Psidium guajava, Botryosphaeria dothidea, Neofusicoccum spp, monocyclic components},
doi = {},
url = {http://},
pmid = {},
journal = {Postharvest Biology and Technology},
volume = {},
number = {},
pages = {},
abstract = {Brazilian guava (Psidium guajava L.) production was approximately 342.000 t in 2011. Due to the high perishability of guava, the majority of this fruit is sent to internal markets, and only a small portion is exported. Postharvest diseases, particularly stylar-end rot, that can reach an incidence of 40% in the postharvest in Brazil, are causes of the guava perishability. The objective of this study was to identify the main species of Botryosphaeriaceae that cause guava stylar-end rot and to evaluate the temperature and wetness conditions that are favourable for development of the disease monocycle of these pathogens in detached fruit. The morphological and phylogenetic analyses of 56 monosporic isolates from Brazil were performed using sequence data of the ITS region and ?-tubulin. The species Botryosphaeria dothidea, Neofusicoccum parvum and Neofusicoccum ribis were identified as causal agents of the disease. Conidial germination of the three species was evaluated at different temperatures and wetness periods. In the in vivo experiments, guavas were inoculated with conidial suspensions of the three identified species. The fruits were then kept at different temperatures and wetness periods, and the disease incidence, incubation period, lesion size and lesion growth rate were assessed. The optimal temperature for conidial germination was between 25 and 35 °C for the three species. At 30 °C, high germination rates were observed for the three species (70%) under wetness periods longer than 6 h. The range of optimum temperature for guava colonisation by the three species was 28-31 ºC, regardless of the wetness period. However, the maximum diameter of the lesion was always smaller during the wetness period of 6 h than 48 h. The shortest incubation period of the disease was three days at 30 ºC and was associated with the 48-h wetness period for the three species. The incubation period was longer at 6 h than at 48 h except for B. dothidea at 30 ºC. The disease progress rates at 30 °C and during a 48-h wetness period were statistically similar for N. ribis, N. parvum and B. dothidea and ranged from 0.37 to 0.50 day-1. The best conditions for disease development were high temperature and prolonged periods of wetness. This is the first report of the association of Neofusicoccum parvum and Neofusicoccum ribis with stylar-end rot of guava fruit in Brazil.}
Matrices for Study 16354

ID | Matrix Title | Description | Data type | NTAX | NCHAR | Taxa | ||||
M30033 | Botryosphaeriaceae species | Nucleic Acid | 83 | 1306 | View Taxa |
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