author = {Sayaka Ban and Takeshi Sakane and Kyoko Toyama and Akira Nakagiri},
title = {Teleomorph-anamorph relationships and reclassification of Cordyceps cuboidea and its allied species},
year = {2009},
keywords = {},
doi = {10.1007/s10267-008-0480-y},
url = {},
pmid = {},
journal = {Mycoscience},
volume = {50},
number = {},
pages = {261--272},
abstract = {Based on morphological characteristics and molecular phylogeny, we re-classified Cordyceps cuboidea and allied species C. alboperitheciata, C. prolifica and Ophiocordyceps ryogamiensis. We confirmed their teleomorph-anamorph relationships and revealed that these four species have Hirsutella-like anamorphs with differences in morphology between them. By analyzing their molecular phylogeny inferred from DNA sequences of internal transcribed spacer (ITS) and large subunit (LSU) D1/D2 region of rDNA, they were separated into four close-knit clades. Although C. prolifica and O. ryogamiensis formed their own clades, isolates of C. cuboidea separated into two clades, i.e., true C. cuboidea clade and a resembling new species, O. paracuboidea clade. The latter two species are distinguished by the fruiting region of the stroma. In addition, C. alboperitheciata is regarded as a synonym of C. cuboidea. These species should be assigned to the genus Ophiocordyceps.}
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Citation title:
"Teleomorph-anamorph relationships and reclassification of Cordyceps cuboidea and its allied species".
This study was previously identified under the legacy study ID S2272
(Status: Published).