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Taxa for matrix 7472 of Study 11118

About Citation title: "Examination of five nuclear markers for phylogenetic study of Hologalegina (Leguminosae)".
About Study name: "Examination of five nuclear markers for phylogenetic study of Hologalegina (Leguminosae)".
About This study is part of submission 11108 (Status: Published).


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ID Taxon Label NCBI taxid uBIO namebankID
453021 Alhagi maurorum 47037 3876330
453027 Astragalus alpinus 20403 3874067
453019 Astragalus americanus 47052 2650424
453018 Astragalus canadensis 20408 2650442
452993 Astragalus nothoxys 90197 3874155
453037 Caragana arborescens B 20484 2650862
452989 Colutea arborescens 47649 3874592
453029 Coursetia glandulosa 168519 3876428
453006 Galega orientalis 47654 2863458
453025 Glycine max 3847 2650925
453028 Glycyrrhiza lepidota 47080 2650927
453024 Lathyrus sativus 3860 2650628
453036 Lotus grandiflorus 118918 2650810
453015 Lotus purshianus 100151 3882572
453013 Medicago arabica 70936 3876613
453011 Medicago lanigera 70953 3906069
453009 Medicago monantha 70958 3876934
452985 Medicago sativa 3879 2663876
452987 Medicago truncatula 3880 3773778
452999 Olneya tesota 168542 3874703
452986 Oxytropis deflexa 20804 2650730
452996 Oxytropis lambertii 20805 3874435
453040 Oxytropis parryi B 3874439
453026 Oxytropis pilosa 83865 2863605
452994 Oxytropis viscida 90237 3882557
452991 Peteria thompsonae 3412223
453023 Robinia neomexicana 168546 3874442
453000 Sesbania bispinosa 485725 3876778
452997 Sesbania brachycarpa 2841827
453007 Sesbania cinerascens 3767634
453033 Sesbania formosa 2841589
452998 Sesbania grandiflora 206309 3874735
452992 Sesbania herbacea 498362 3877015
452995 Sesbania microphylla 2839630
453012 Sesbania punicea 543741 2651000
453003 Sesbania quadrata 2839984
453032 Sesbania sesban 76396 2669319
453001 Sesbania tetraptera 2840096
453034 Sesbania tomentosa 206310 2669320
453022 Sesbania vesicaria 54756 3882634
453039 Sutherlandia frutescens 47091 2670277
453038 Swainsona frutescens
453035 Trifolium pratense 57577 2650779
452988 Trifolium repens 3899 3874446
453041 Trigonella foenum-graecum B 78534 2669665
453020 Trigonella kotschyi 119383 2840657
453017 Vicia faba 3906 2650790
453002 Wisteria floribunda 3922 2651027