CiteULike CiteULike
Delicious Delicious
Connotea Connotea

Taxa for Study 10043

About Citation title: "Taxonomy and Phylogeny of Croton section Heptallon (Euphorbiaceae)".
About This study was previously identified under the legacy study ID S2383 (Status: Published).


ID Taxon Label NCBI taxid uBIO namebankID
245037 Astraea lobata 323092 5983166
245051 Brasiliocroton mamoninha 316932 5982571
245061 Croton aff. ramillatus 504218 7562863
266930 Croton aff. tenuilobus 2936 0 3455465
245025 Croton ameliae 504177 3455370
245066 Croton andinus 127 504178 3455390
245055 Croton andinus 1581 504178 3455390
245048 Croton andinus 657 504178 3455390
245022 Croton argenteus 323026 2666452
245053 Croton argentinus 510463 7560065
245052 Croton argyranthemus 323027 2651914
245046 Croton capitatus 1565 323035 2651915
266924 Croton capitatus 225 323035 2651915
266906 Croton capitatus 3 323035 2651915
266922 Croton capitatus 3740 323035 2651915
245024 Croton capitatus 48 323035 2651915
245069 Croton capitatus 8400 323035 2651915
266925 Croton capitatus 98833 323035 2651915
245018 Croton cerinus 0 2664740
266910 Croton coahuilensis 1120
266913 Croton coahuilensis 1769
245034 Croton coahuilensis 2000
266905 Croton coahuilensis 8331
245040 Croton coryi 504188 2651918
245043 Croton elliottii 455 323048 2651921
266897 Croton elliottii 75980 323048 2651921
245062 Croton fruticulosus 504198 2651922
266909 Croton heptalon 1238
266918 Croton heptalon 15444
266929 Croton heptalon 1800
266914 Croton heptalon 1985
266920 Croton heptalon 1986
266899 Croton heptalon 2004724
245041 Croton heptalon 2013
266900 Croton heptalon 36698
245029 Croton heptalon 815
245067 Croton heptalon Cory s.n.
266935 Croton heptalon Tharp s.n.
266901 Croton leucophyllus 11163 504211 3874816
245065 Croton leucophyllus 2002 504211 3874816
245035 Croton leucophyllus 2006540 504211 3874816
245039 Croton leucophyllus 20653
266937 Croton leucophyllus 2144 504211 3874816
245020 Croton leucophyllus 24184 504211 3874816
266904 Croton leucophyllus 24470 504211 3874816
266896 Croton leucophyllus 35868 504211 3874816
266926 Croton leucophyllus 515 504211 3874816
266907 Croton leucophyllus 6318 504211 3874816
245023 Croton lindheimeri 11521 504214 2779397
245028 Croton lindheimeri 24117 504214 2779397
245063 Croton lindheimeri 517 504214 2779397
245057 Croton lindheimeri 7186 504214 2779397
245070 Croton lindheimeri 9085 504214 2779397
266927 Croton lindheimeri 91822 504214 2779397
266911 Croton lindheimeri s.n. 504214 2779397
245060 Croton lindheimerianus 2508 504215 2666455
245019 Croton lindheimerianus 3131 504215 2666455
245042 Croton lindheimerianus 521 504215 2666455
266936 Croton lindheimerianus 856 504215 2666455
245047 Croton lindheimerianus33220
245027 Croton monanthogynus 1564 504225 2651929
245049 Croton monanthogynus 515 504225 2651929
266898 Croton monanthogynus 667 504225 2651929
245036 Croton ortholobus 504231 7562463
266919 Croton pedicellatus 2351 504234 3455249
245044 Croton pedicellatus 3766 504234 3455249
245050 Croton pottsii 104 504238 3874817
245059 Croton pottsii 1157 504238 3874817
266915 Croton pottsii 1222 504238 3874817
266921 Croton pottsii 1301 504238 3874817
245030 Croton pottsii 16075 504238 3874817
266903 Croton pottsii 2004834 504238 3874817
266931 Croton pottsii 2004862 504238 3874817
266908 Croton pottsii 2131 504238 3874817
266933 Croton pottsii 22992 504238 3874817
266894 Croton pottsii 2520 504238 3874817
266923 Croton pottsii 25821 504238 3874817
266934 Croton pottsii 4383 504238 3874817
245038 Croton pottsii 4439 504238 3874817
245045 Croton pottsii 6264 504238 3874817
266912 Croton pottsii 6313 504238 3874817
245033 Croton pottsii 71 504238 3874817
266938 Croton pottsii 8730 504238 3874817
266916 Croton pottsii 9 504238 3874817
266895 Croton pottsii 9081 504238 3874817
266928 Croton pottsii 9116 504238 3874817
245068 Croton punctatus 323075 2651931
245031 Croton pycnocephalus 0 3455377
245064 Croton setiger 316793 5875157
245021 Croton subpannosus 323084 5983162
266902 Croton tenuilobus 1064 0 3455465
245026 Croton tenuilobus 17169 0 3455465
266917 Croton tenuilobus 1919 0 3455465
245054 Croton tenuilobus 5532 0 3455465
266932 Croton tenuilobus 6246 0 3455465
245032 Croton watsonii 504264 3455179
245058 Croton ynesae 427361 7563794
245056 Croton yucatanensis 351460 3455382