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Connotea Connotea

Taxa for Study 13454

About Citation title: "Diversity of Botryosphaeriaceae species associated with conifers in Portugal".
About Study name: "Diversity of Botryosphaeriaceae species associated with conifers in Portugal".
About This study is part of submission 13454 (Status: Published).


ID Taxon Label NCBI taxid uBIO namebankID
909605 Botryosphaeria corticis ATCC22927 120389 3175899
909628 Botryosphaeria corticis CBS119047 120389 3175899
909647 Botryosphaeria dothidea CAA127 55169 3088922
909591 Botryosphaeria dothidea CBS110302 55169 3088922
909629 Botryosphaeria dothidea CBS115476 55169 3088922
909616 Diplodia cupressi CAA027 400389 10320557
909648 Diplodia cupressi CAA029 400389 10320557
909599 Diplodia cupressi CBS168.87 400389 10320557
909587 Diplodia cupressi CBS261.85 400389 10320557
909660 Diplodia mutila CAA096 502120 3872346
909630 Diplodia mutila CAA115 502120 3872346
909645 Diplodia mutila CBS112553 502120 3872346
909608 Diplodia mutila CBS230.30 502120 3872346
909662 Diplodia pinea CAA015 502119 3113959
909619 Diplodia pinea CAA025 502119 3113959
909659 Diplodia pinea CAA068 502119 3113959
909598 Diplodia pinea CAA070 502119 3113959
909606 Diplodia pinea CBS109725 502119 3113959
909635 Diplodia pinea CBS393.84 502119 3113959
909589 Diplodia scrobiculata CBS109944 280322 4037089
909609 Diplodia scrobiculata CBS113423 280322 4037089
909592 Diplodia seriata CAA051 420778 3086572
909658 Diplodia seriata CAA108 420778 3086572
909590 Diplodia seriata CAP149 420778 3086572
909612 Diplodia seriata CBS112555 420778 3086572
909615 Diplodia tsugae CBS418.64
909601 Dothiorella iberica CAA129 10252514
909649 Dothiorella iberica CAA131 10252514
909657 Dothiorella iberica CBS115035 10252514
909631 Dothiorella iberica CBS115041 10252514
909595 Dothiorella sarmentorum CAA125 548655 10229269
909640 Dothiorella sarmentorum CBS115038 548655 10229269
909627 Dothiorella sarmentorum IMI63581b 548655 10229269
909656 Neofusicoccum australe CAA018 502121 9730066
909634 Neofusicoccum australe CAA031 502121 9730066
909593 Neofusicoccum australe CAA057 502121 9730066
909653 Neofusicoccum australe CAA073 502121 9730066
909620 Neofusicoccum australe CAA083 502121 9730066
909614 Neofusicoccum australe CAA090 502121 9730066
909661 Neofusicoccum australe CAA103 502121 9730066
909588 Neofusicoccum australe CAA112 502121 9730066
909611 Neofusicoccum australe CAA118 502121 9730066
909621 Neofusicoccum australe CMW6837 502121 9730066
909618 Neofusicoccum batangarum CBS124923
909604 Neofusicoccum batangarum CBS124924
909639 Neofusicoccum cordaticola CBS123634 643000
909642 Neofusicoccum cordaticola CBS123635 643000
909626 Neofusicoccum kwambonambiense CBS123639 643001
909597 Neofusicoccum kwambonambiense CBS123641 643001
909625 Neofusicoccum luteum CAA046 120395 9730068
909637 Neofusicoccum luteum CAA047 120395 3021553
909610 Neofusicoccum luteum CAA049 120395 9730068
909644 Neofusicoccum luteum CAA061 120395 9730068
909607 Neofusicoccum luteum CAA065 120395 9730068
909633 Neofusicoccum luteum CAA072 120395 9730068
909594 Neofusicoccum luteum CAA086 120395 9730068
909652 Neofusicoccum luteum CAA099 120395 9730068
909602 Neofusicoccum luteum CAA110 120395 9730068
909646 Neofusicoccum luteum CAA124 120395 9730068
909638 Neofusicoccum luteum CBS110299 120395 3021553
909622 Neofusicoccum occulatum MUCC227
909624 Neofusicoccum occulatum MUCC286
909636 Neofusicoccum parvum CAA022 310453 9730069
909600 Neofusicoccum parvum CAA074 310453 9730069
909632 Neofusicoccum parvum CAA107 310453 9730069
909654 Neofusicoccum parvum CAA126 310453 9730069
909650 Neofusicoccum parvum CBS110301 310453 9730069
909617 Neofusicoccum parvum CMW9081 310453 9730069
909641 Neofusicoccum ribis CBS115475 45134 9730072
909596 Neofusicoccum ribis CBS121.26 45134 9730072
909651 Neofusicoccum umdonicola CBS123645 643002
909613 Neofusicoccum umdonicola CBS123646 643002
909603 Phaeobotryon cupressi CAA030 694450
909643 Phaeobotryon cupressi CBS124700 694450
909623 Pseudofusicoccum stromaticum CBS117448 306120 10263037
909655 Pseudofusicoccum stromaticum CBS117449 306120 10263037