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Taxa for Study 20373

About Citation title: "A new species and a new record of Botryosphaeria (Botryosphaeriaceae, Botryosphaeriales) from China".
About Study name: "A new species and a new record of Botryosphaeria (Botryosphaeriaceae, Botryosphaeriales) from China".
About This study is part of submission 20373 (Status: Published).


ID Taxon Label NCBI taxid uBIO namebankID
2677927 Botryosphaeria agaves CBS133992 3035169
2677937 Botryosphaeria agaves MFLUCC10.0051 3035169
2677933 Botryosphaeria auasmontanum CMW25413KF7661
2677918 Botryosphaeria corticis ATCC22927 120389 3175899
2677917 Botryosphaeria corticis CBS119047 120389 3175899
2677923 Botryosphaeria dothidea CBS110302 55169 3088922
2677924 Botryosphaeria dothidea CBS115476 55169 3088922
2677907 Botryosphaeria fabicerciana CBS127193
2677928 Botryosphaeria fabicerciana CMW27108
2677920 Botryosphaeria fusispora MFLUCC10.0098
2677931 Botryosphaeria minutispermatia GAAS01KX44
2677915 Botryosphaeria minutispermatia GAAS02KX44
2677935 Botryosphaeria ramosa CBS122069
2677921 Botryosphaeria ramosa M16
2677916 Botryosphaeria ramosa M89
2677936 Botryosphaeria ramosa M98
2677932 Botryosphaeria rosaceae B1522
2677925 Botryosphaeria rosaceae B1526
2677903 Botryosphaeria rosaceae D223
2677919 Botryosphaeria rosaceae D27
2677904 Botryosphaeria rosaceae D33
2677909 Botryosphaeria rosaceae D4
2677922 Botryosphaeria scharifii CBS124702
2677930 Botryosphaeria scharifii CBS124703
2677934 Botryosphaeria sinensia D242
2677911 Botryosphaeria sinensia D35
2677906 Botryosphaeria sinensia D51
2677938 Cophinforma atrovirens MFLUCC11.0425 701433
2677926 Cophinforma atrovirens MFLUCC11.0655 701433
2677913 Macrophomina phaseolina CBS162.25 35725 3181295
2677908 Macrophomina phaseolina CBS227.33 35725 3181295
2677914 Neofusicoccum lutea CBS110299
2677912 Neofusicoccum parvum CMW9081 310453 9730069
2677929 Neoscy dimidiatum CBS251.49
2677905 Neoscy dimidiatum CBS499.66
2677910 Neoscy hyalinum CBS145.78