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Connotea Connotea

Taxa for Study 232

About Citation title: "Phylogeny of the Ranunculaceae based on epidermal microcharacters and macromorphology.".
About This study was previously identified under the legacy study ID S2x5x96c18c18c49 (Status: Published).


ID Taxon Label NCBI taxid uBIO namebankID
15950 Aconitum 49188 2645288
15946 Actaea 46988 4934839
15952 Adonis 46984 175866
15935 Anemone 22868 795029
15954 Anemonella 46968 3478718
109081 Aquilegia 3450 2645540
109090 Caltha 3448 2645317
15948 Cimicifuga 46990 2645558
15947 Clematis 3452 2645501
15933 Consolida 37493 2645565
15934 Coptis 3441 2645568
15938 Delphinium 46246 2645321
15942 Eranthis 37491 2645579
15949 Helleborus 46995 2645581
15937 Hepatica 46979 2645583
15940 Hydrastis 13568 2645585
15943 Isopyrum 171907 1846409
15955 Nigella 3443 2645591
15941 Outgroup to Ranunculaceae
15951 Pulsatilla 46977 2645596
109073 Ranunculus 3445 2576523
15953 Thalictrum 46968 2576476
15939 Trautvetteria 46992 2645601
15945 Trollius 39245 2645603
109078 Xanthorhiza 13761 2645607