author = {Bryan T Drew and Kenneth J. Sytsma},
title = {Phylogenetics, Biogeography, and Staminal Evolution in the Tribe Mentheae (Lamiaceae)},
year = {2012},
keywords = {},
doi = {},
url = {http://},
pmid = {},
journal = {American Journal of Botany},
volume = {},
number = {},
pages = {},
abstract = {}
Analyses for Study 12395
Citation title:
"Phylogenetics, Biogeography, and Staminal Evolution in the Tribe Mentheae (Lamiaceae)".
Study name:
"Phylogenetics, Biogeography, and Staminal Evolution in the Tribe Mentheae (Lamiaceae)".
This study is part of submission 12395
(Status: Published).
Analysis 1
Analysis 2
1 Input object(s)
1 Output object(s)
Analysis 3
1 Input object(s)
1 Output object(s)