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Taxa for tree 98704 of Study 19714

About Citation title: "Diversity, specificity, and phylogenetic relationships of endohyphal bacteria in fungi that inhabit tropical seeds and leaves".
About Study name: "Diversity, specificity, and phylogenetic relationships of endohyphal bacteria in fungi that inhabit tropical seeds and leaves".
About This study is part of submission 19714 (Status: Published).


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ID Taxon Label NCBI taxid uBIO namebankID
2444292 Azospirillum brasilense DQ28868
2444302 Azospirillum irakense NR_04494
2449660 Azospirillum_canadense_*_HM636056.1
2449663 Azospirillum_fermentarium_*_NR_118484.1
2444392 Fusarium C. insignis LS-BCI 04 L078 cl04 NR_04494
2444335 Rhizobium alamii NR_04268
2444287 Rhizobium sullae GU6450
2449661 Thalassospira_mesophila_*_AB786711.1
2449662 Thalassospira_profundimaris_*_EU440798.1